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Rules for DemiGod Characters

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Rules for DemiGod Characters Empty Rules for DemiGod Characters

Post by Rune 23rd November 2013, 11:32 pm

We're talking about babies. Well grown up babies sometimes. I guess.
Ew children.

So I am here to explain the guidelines regarding DemiGod children of our Gods, the Big 20, Minor Gods, and Spirits alike.
DemiGods are the offspring of the Gods that hold mortal blood in them, too. This term is also loosely given to fullblooded children of the Gods, like Nova and Easter, but this is initially a false statement.
You can check the entire, updated list of all children of the Gods (fullblooded or DemiGods alike) right here.

Also, all Gods have different views on children. There are three categories- open to children, exclusive, and no children. Rekcut and myself are in the No Children category, meaning we won't ever have a baby. The Exclusive List includes Gods that will have children, but very rarely do. These include the revered Gods such as Rhavi and Grey. However, most Gods are in the category Open to children. You can view all Gods in their official categories in the list here.

The difference of these three are whether you are allowed to have a child of specific Gods or not, and those that do allow children require special Coins for you to make characters of their children.
Coins for the Open to Children category Gods are DemiGod Coins. These are special Coins earned not through normal Ranking up here at CS. These are Coins to be treasured, as you don't know how many you will be allowed to get.
However, to have a character out of a child of a God found in the Exclusive list... you need an Elite DemiGod Coin. THESE Coins are the most exclusive and difficult to achieve at CS. To earn one of these Coins is to be specially noted by all members, not just Hallow and the Admins. These revered Coins will be held for the highest of highest achievements and gifted only to those proved worthy... then they have the honour of making a child of Father Time, or even my Master Lord Death.
I repeat, you can NOT make a child of a God without a DemiGod Coin or an Elite DemiGod Coin, depending on the God.

If you do qualify for any of these conditions, though, here is where you can apply for permission to make a character out of one of those babies of your choosing!~
Just make a new thread below with the profile of your DemiGod. The profile must be completed, so please don't post a work in progress.
Next the respecting God will review the profile, looking over the information you have down. They will note any changes to be made and such.
When the character is approved and ready to go by the God, you will be placed into a trial role play to test out your character. This is for the pure reason of all Gods of the Big 20 pass on a mental disorder to their children, listed for your convenience here. The severity will vary, but all of them MUST have at least ONE of the listed disorders.

Information on the trial role play will be posted in it's own respective category, including how to proceed once your character has passed through smoothly.

Of course, any questions, post here~
We will do our very best to help you through any confusing parts. >:3


Posts : 5
Location : By my Savior Grey's side

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