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Curses and Blessings Quick Info

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Curses and Blessings Quick Info Empty Curses and Blessings Quick Info

Post by Halloween 23rd November 2013, 9:53 pm

Curses and Blessings Quick Info Halloweenheader_zpsd5ca45c7

Welcome, Mortals! Sit down and get comfortable as I explain a very vital part of my world...

Curses and Blessings must follow strict rules in the world of Chromosphere. Here I will explain the basics, but everyone s encouraged to post inquiries here if something is left in the Grey still [See what I did there? Eh? Eh? ...okay.jpeg].

First, only members of the Big 20 can officially Curse or Bless, the most common examples in giving immortality, giving Godhood to a mortal, or giving unavoidable and unfortunate side effects to one's life. Rune, The Lady of Blue, and the Wyrm of Steel can not Curse or Bless.
The Big 20 can not officially Curse or Bless anyone but mortals. DemiGods are also in this catagory; but they must have at the very least half mortal in them.
The Big 20 can not Curse or Bless their fellow Gods, including Major, Minor, and Spirits alike. The exception to this being the stripping of powers in certain scenarios. This does not mean that they can wreak havoc on their bretheren if they so desire, using their Domain to their advantage. i.e. Rhavi slowing the movement of time around a mortal so that they live normally but age exceedingly slow, appearing immortal, but in actuality not at all or Kuuniline making all of the nutrient substance in someone's stomach vanish, leaving them to cripple over and die slowly from starvation. These are examples of manipulting their Domain, not Cursing or Blessing. As another note, Minor Gods can also freely manipulate their Domains to do much the same.

Every Curse and Blessing is unique in their own way, there being a small number of exceptions to this that will be named. Other than these, each and every Cursing or Blessing is as different as human fingerprints. In the same, they also range from sever to almost nothing at all, like a headache for the remainder of your day or taking away your ability to eat.
This leaves an enormous amount of possibility, where I encourage creativity from anyone looking to have a Curse or Bless fall upon their character.
The universal Blessings include;

  • Giving Godhood to a mortal/half human DemiGod
  • Granting generic 'powers' to a mortal, such as super strength or rapid healing.
  • Granting good health for a number of time such as good crops for a village to last for 5 years

Likewise, the universal Curses are;

  • Stripping a Minor God of power
  • Taking powers from a gifted human
  • Giving specific illness to someone
  • Turning someone into a specific beast or demon

Certain Gods also Curse or Bless much more than others. The most infamous Curser is none other than Chirkiri of Red, though Eevyl of Gold is in the same boat. Likewise, Chaze of Blue, Ivireae of Steel, Zaennii of Violet, Rekcut of Keep, and Rhavi of Yellow, though Grey of Pale has Cursed the very least of all the Gods, him being the one to Bless the most.
Keep this all in mind when deciding who will Curse your own character.
Common knowledge is that Curses happen much more often than Blessings... especially in ways that Chirkiri likes to give them. The Queen of Red will place the demons of Hell upon an unborn child across the world if for the simple reason that it had been a slow day and she was bored.

As a final note, both Curses and Blessings are a very open subject, so please, do post anything not explained above. And as always...good luck surviving the Gods' wrath.

Curses and Blessings Quick Info Halloweensiggie1_zps24e45a29

Posts : 230
Location : The Nation of Red

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